


Thermage TF-2 Coupling Fluid is available in a set of six 30ml bottles or six 60ml


Thermage CPT is a skin contouring and tightening medical system that generates continuous monopolar radiofrequency (RF) heat energy to repair damaged collagen fibers and reinvigorate the growth of stronger collagen fibers so as to tighten the skin at the treatment area. This U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved medical device is renowned for its innovative Comfort Pulse Technology (CPT). This technology has a similar mechanism to that of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS), a type of pain mitigation therapy that is used on patients relieve pain from muscle aches and labor pains.


Buy THERMAGE® COUPLING online Fluid is a viscous liquid that is meant to be applied on the proposed treatment region before treatment with a Thermage CPT device can be started. It helps to increase electrical conductivity and reduce friction between the chosen Thermage Treatment Tip and the skin. This fluid ensures that the heating process occurs with great precision and consistency.


Skin, being one of the largest organs in the body, is quick to display signs of ageing like inelasticity, sagginess, loss of contours, and wrinkles. These aesthetic imperfections occur as the turnover rate of dermal cells like collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid declines due to biological ageing. While biological ageing is inevitable, extrinsic ageing factors—such as pollution, smoking, excessive sunlight exposure, and unhealthy diet—tend to worsen biological ageing by tainting the body with skin damaging free radicals. These reactive toxins damage already weakened skin, resulting in significant ageing signs. If left untreated, these imperfections can affect one’s self-esteem.

As mentioned above, Thermage CPT is a device that generates RF heat energy that is delivered to skin displaying ageing signs via a sterile and disposable Treatment Tip that is attached onto the Handpiece of a CPT device. This heat energy penetrates into the skin to rejuvenate inelastic collagen fibers and stimulate the fibroblasts to produce more collagen fibers, resulting in the tightening of the skin. Thermage TF-2 Coupling Fluid is a viscous liquid that must be applied onto the proposed treatment area before Thermage CPT treatment can begin.


Only an accredited and experienced medical practitioner should conduct treatment with a Thermage CPT device. Buy THERMAGE® COUPLING online treatment should be done under strict aseptic standards to reduce the risk of undesirable dermal reactions. Also, interested patients must have their medical histories evaluated carefully to ascertain their suitability to be treated using this device. Prior to the procedure, all jewelry, metal, and makeup must be removed, and the proposed treatment region must be gently cleansed.


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