
buy Silhouette Soft 16

Original price was: $1,000.00.Current price is: $600.00.

buy Silhouette Soft 16 is generally well tolerated and,

buy Silhouette Soft 16

buy Silhouette Soft 16 cones is an instant, non-surgical facelift treatment based on innovative cone technology. The sterile absorbable implantable single-use device is intended to reshape the skin surface as well as lift sagging skin and neck tissue. Plus, Silhouette Soft® cones help tighten skin and restore lost facial volume by enhancing the body’s production of collagen.

The absorbable single-use device is made of Poly L Lactic Acid threads interspersed with absorbable Glycol-Lactide (PLGA) cones, which dissolve in the skin. The threads act as a scaffolding below the surface of the skin where it helps lift the sagging skin. Plus, the cones hold the threads in place and stimulate the body’s own collagen production to replace lost facial volume.
The Silhouette Soft® suspension suture is reabsorbable, biocompatible and biodegradable. The Monofilament is made of polylactic acid (PLLA) and the Cones are made of polylactic-co-glycolic acid (82% lactic acid
and 18% glycolic acid).
Polylactic acid (PLLA), the main component of Silhouette Soft® is a well-known polymer that has been used for many years in a number of biomedical and pharmaceutical applications. It has a long history of use as an absorbable device, drug delivery system, and in surgery – particularly in orthopedic fixation devices such as pins, rods and screws. It is also a key material in the development of tissue engineering. These applications have been approved for human use by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
buy Silhouette Soft 16 suspension suture is reabsorbable, biocompatible and biodegradable
The degradation process of PLLA has been the subject of extensive studies: it acts by hydrolysis of ester bonds, while its degradable components are resorbed by metabolic pathways with the production of lactic acid, a natural substance in the body. .
buy Silhouette Soft 16 is generally well tolerated and, due to its synthetic nature, no allergy testing is necessary before treatment of the subject; furthermore, its excellent safety after correct implantation has been demonstrated and well documented through long clinical experience and clinical studies which have involved thousands of subjects.


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