
buy Linerase 1x100mg online

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Treat the surface of the skin with an antiseptic solution.

buy Linerase 1x100mg online

buy Linerase 1x100mg online is a heterologous Type I collagen powder which stimulates the production of new fibroblasts to create native Type III collagen, a process that is fundamental in cosmetic medicine and anti-aging treatments.

“buy Linerase 1x100mg online”

Linerase is a product that has been optimized for the targeted treatment of tissue damage. Biostimulation with collagen takes place and consequently skin regeneration. This makes it particularly effective for both light and deeper wrinkles, but it can also be used to improve tissue damage caused by scarring, stretch marks and cellulite. Linerase is ideal not only for use on the face, but also on the neck, décolleté and hands, as well as wherever treatment is required.
Linerase is injected into the area of tissue damage, where it strongly stimulates the production of the skin’s own collagen. The skin tissue is thus given the opportunity to regenerate and, through the formation of new collagen fibers, to repair damage in the long term.
This product works on the basis of purified collagen, which is similar in structure to the body’s own collagen. Once injected it immediately leads to more elasticity at the treated area. The skin becomes permanently firmer thanks to the additional collagen fibers that the skin tissue produces itself.

Ideal for rapidly improving the skin texture, texture and color of the following areas:

  • Face
  • Neck
  • Neckline
  • Hands
  • other body regions with scars, cellulite and stretch marks

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The preparation is performed with 4.5ml saline solution and 0.5ml lidocaine. The resulting 5ml ready-to-use solution is then mixed with the dry delivered powder and the desired amount is taken from the ampoule and injected with a 30G needle at a distance of 2cm into the previously cleaned areas to be treated.

Already after the first application the effect is visible within a few days. As a result, the self-esteem of the customer is increased. For a complete regeneration of tissue damage, about four treatments with Linerase at intervals of two weeks each are necessary. It is also recommended to repeat the treatment after 3 months. The duration of the effect depends on age, skin type, sports activity and applied technique.


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