
buy CURACEN INJ online


buy CURACEN INJ online. is used for biorevitalization and mesotherapy.

buy CURACEN INJ online

buy CURACEN INJ online. is a Japanese ampoule solution for skin rejuvenation. The product contains human placenta extract, which is rich in cell growth factors, vitamins and amino acids. Curacen stimulates the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, which are the main components of the extracellular matrix, thus triggering the processes of skin regeneration. As a result, the skin looks younger and healthier.

Strengths of Curacen Inj .:

the high purity of the product guarantees better regeneration of the skin
no allergic reactions, because the product is of human origin and therefore not immunogenic

rich natural composition: cell growth factors, interleukins, amino acids, peptides, vitamins, more than 40 minerals, various low molecular weight components, etc.

amazing regenerative effects due to the stimulation of the body’s own production of essential components of the extracellular matrix

restoration of the natural epidermal barrier

improved skin microcirculation

normalized melanogenesis

buy CURACEN INJ online. is used for biorevitalization and mesotherapy. The product is intended for skin rejuvenation.

Scope of Curacen Inj .:

prevention and treatment of signs of aging (fine lines and wrinkles, saggy, dull and dry skin, skin atrophy)
correction of hyperpigmentation

acne scar correction

recovery after cosmetic procedures (laser skin resurfacing, chemical peels, dermabrasion)

prevention and treatment of alopecia
preparation for rehabilitation after plastic surgery

The product has contraindications. We are not responsible for any side effects you may experience after self-administration of the products. For any procedure, it is recommended to consult a doctor or healthcare professional.

buy CURACEN INJ online placenta ampoules will never be sold online in the US, but is available by contacting JBP Global USA directly at 831-419-1088 or

Although CURACEN has been used for decades throughout the world by injection, it is not approved in the United States by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for injection, but can be used topically.  Any use of this product should only be used with the guidance of a physician licensed to practice in the United States of America.

Warning: BEWARE OF FAKES:  In an effort to maintain the integrity of the Curacen brand, JBP never sells Curacen online.  The internet if full of sites claiming to be selling “JBP” or “Curacen” look-alike products, however, JBP has researched these products and have found most to be counterfeit products.  The only way to guarantee you are receiving authentic JBP Curacen Placental Extract in the United States is through JBP-USA.  We are authorized by JBP Global as to sell Curacen in the US.

buy CURACEN INJ online Placental Extract is manufactured with JBP’s unique technologies and extracted from Human Placenta Extracts through Hydrochloric Acid Hydrolysis.  This low molecular weight product is water soluble for rapid absorption and utilization by the cellular membrane.  Indications include menopause or lactation facilitation, but also have cosmetic properties of increasing skin moisture content, elasticity, pigmentation adjustment and whitening.


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