
buy Cingal sell online

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For knee joint lubrication to stop pain

buy Cingal sell online

buy Cingal sell online is a viscous (thick) is for intra-articular injection, as a sterile mixture of hyaluronan with a steroid. The hyaluronan is highly purified and made from bacterial fermentation. Hyaluronan is a natural chemical found in the body. High amounts of hyaluronan are found in the joint tissues and in the fluid that fills the joints. The body’s own hyaluronan acts as a lubricant and a shock absorber in the joint. It is needed for the joint to work properly.

What’s in the box?

  • 1 x 5ml : Cross linked Sodium Hyaluronate 88mg
  • Triamcinolone Hexacetonide 18mg

What are the benefits of buy Cingal sell online?

Sodium Hyaluronate’s essential properties can:

  • Perform shock absorbency properties within the synovial joint
  • Lubricate the synovial compartment

How can Cingal help?

With osteoarthritis, there is not always sufficient natural hyaluronan in the joint area, and the quality of that hyaluronan may be poorer than normal. Cingal supplements hyaluronan to the knee joint, whilst also using steroid, triamcinolone hexacetonide, to provide short-term and long-lasting pain relief by reducing inflammation, while the hyaluronan component provides long-lasting pain relief. Cingal is given in a single shot (injection) directly into the joint of the knee.

Avoid Cingal if you:

  • are allergic to hyaluronan products or to preparations containing triamcinolone hexacetonide.
  • have any known allergies. You should consult your healthcare professional to determine if you are able to receive a CingalTM injection.
  • have infections or skin diseases around the injection site.

buy Cingal sell onlineis injected into the knee joint and given as a single intra-articular injection. It is recommended to prepare the intra-articular injection site according to the standards and to respect the usual precautions. Strict aseptic administration technique should be followed. A sterile needle should be attached to the Cingal® syringe by a healthcare practitioner. An 18-20 gauge needle can be used for an injection into the knee. The selection of the needle and the procedure is determined by the doctor. The healthcare professional should confirm the correct penetration of the needle into the synovial space of the joint before injecting Cingal®. The syringe is for single use only.

Do not administer to patients with known hypersensitivity (allergy) to hyaluronate preparations.
Do not administer to patients with known hypersensitivity (allergy) to triamcinolone hexacetonide preparations.

Warnings and Precautions:
To prepare the skin, do not use disinfectants containing quaternary ammonium salts simultaneously, as they may precipitate hyaluronic acid in their presence.
A transient increase in inflammation in the treated knee has been reported following intra-articular injection in some patients with inflammatory osteoarthritis.
Caution is advised when using Cingal® in patients with cardio-renal dysfunction,


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