
buy Biocell H-Ultracell online


Placenta cells, amino acid complex with L-glutamine, L-arginine, L-pyroglutamate, GABA, L-glycine, L-lysine, L-carnitine acetyl,

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buy Biocell H-Ultracell online ,ANTI-AGING VACCINE   Injectable complex of fetal tissue that promote the natural production of the human growt hormone HGH, which in turn improves all the organic functions in aging adults. An increase of HGH production can reverse age related deterioration and increase general well being by harmoniously coordinating the timely production of other crucial

hormones needed to keep the body functioning as a young organism. That is why HGH is also called the “Hormone of Youth”. Human-Ultracell is also a powerful stimulant of the immune system, that can be used to fight chronic degenerative illnesses, and other severe diseases. We recommend yearly treatments with Human-Ultracell, starting after 30 years of age.

Action: Renews. Revitalizes.

Ingredients: Natural bioactive compounds. Fetal tissues.

Amino acids: L-Glutamine, L-Pyroglutamate L-Arginine, L-Lysine, 2-Tyrosine, Glycine, Amino Butyric Acid (GABA), Acetyl-L Carnitine.

Also contains Biostimuline, essential enzymes, Seleginine, and other components.

Profound clinical action proven in: Cellular renovation and revitalization therapy. Adjuvant in chronic, degenerative diseases. Post-chemotherapy and post radiation therapy for cancer patients.

* Cases of sub-function of endocrine glands.

* Complete mediative therapeutic effect. Annual treatment.

* No side effects.

* Completely harmless.

* Non-interactive with other medications

Clinical Pharmacology.

buy Biocell H-Ultracell online, Antiaging Vaccine should be administered in conjunction with H-Citoplacell capsules in the following manner:

  1. a) As an anti-aging treatment for people between 35 and 45 years of age, one (1) weekly ampule for four (4) weeks, accompanied by two daily capsules of Human Citoplacell. This is an annual treatment and Human Citoplacell capsules should be taken all year long.
  2. b) For people between 45 and 60 years of age, one (1) ampule weekly for 8 consecutive weeks and Human Citoplacell all year long.
  3. c) For people over 60 years of age, one (1) ampule for 12 consecutive weeks and Human Citoplacell all year long.

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For premature aging, 2 Cellorgane Multi-Complex for Men or Women pills should be taken all during the treatment year, in addition to Human Citoplacell.

Synergic action.

The components work synergetically:

  1. a) To stabilize hormone production.
  2. b) To stop the production of glycotoxins.
  3. c) To improve cellular nutrition. This synergic action will be manifested in a sense of general well-being and ultimately in a higher quality of life.

In oncological process, the assistance of Human Ultracell, Antiaging Vaccine is very important in reinforcing the immunological function.

Each 2 ml. 250mg solvent syringe contains:

buy Biocell H-Ultracell online Placenta cells, amino acid complex with L-glutamine, L-arginine, L-pyroglutamate, GABA, L-glycine, L-lysine, L-carnitine acetyl, selegiline hydrochloride, procaine KH3, enzyme complex Antioxidants: superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxide, glutathione reductase, glutathione transferase and stabilizers.





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