
buy Sculptra sell online

Original price was: $210.00.Current price is: $200.00.

Sculptra gives visible, yet subtle results by filling wrinkles and restoring lost volume to the face. In addition, Sculptra is able to revitalize collagen

buy Sculptra sell online


Sculptra Aesthetic is a revolutionary injection offering progressive results that are noticeable immediately. Collagen levels are increased within the body to restore their natural function. Collagen is a type of fat which can be lost overtime resulting in saggy skin lacking firmness. This treatment creates the opposite effect and reverses any loss by restoring it.


The main ingredient is Poly-L-lactic acid.

What is in the box?

1 vials x 5 ml Poly-L-lactic acid

How does Poly-L-lactic acid work inside buy Sculptra online Aesthetic?

The active ingredient restores all the lost collagen by absorbing into the skin as naturally as possible. The solution works to reverse the signs of ageing. 3 treatments are required over the period duration.

How long will the effects last for?

By following the recommended treatment course, individuals can reap results of up to 2 years of younger natural looking skin.

buy Sculptra online through a patented bio-fermentation process, of Streptococcus Zooepidemicus, which ranks worldwide as “top quality” in terms of purity, safety and its high resistance to thermal production processes.

The formulation of HA with different molecular weights is based on a concept of Hydrolift® Action. This innovative approach is aimed at counteracting the physiological reduction of HA in the skin, restoring hydration, elasticity and skin tone, by associating, in a synergistic way, deep hydration with the mechanical action of lifting the skin.

Are there any side effects associated with this product?

buy Sculptra sell online Bruising and redness may occur following the use of this product. Other side effects can include swelling, itching and bleeding.

Sculptra is a poly-L-lactic acid implant in the form of a sterile non-pyrogenic suspension, which is reconstituted from a sterile dry powder by the addition of sterile water for injection (Ph.Eur.). This suspension contains microparticles of poly-L-lactic acid, the crystalline form of polylactic acid,. Poly-L-lactic acid is a biocompatible, biodegradable, synthetic polymer from the alpha hydroxy acid family. Sculptra is suitable for increasing the volume of depressed areas, particularly to correct skin depressions, such as skin creases, wrinkles, folds, scars, and for skin aging. Sculptra is also suitable for large volume corrections of the signs of facial fat loss (lipoatrophy).

Where can I buy this product?

buy Sculptra sell online is one of the most popular dermal fillers among cosmetic surgeons and patients around the world. You can order Sculptra online from for wholesale prices or you can phone our friendly customer care associates to buy Sculptra today. Give your patients the wrinkle treatment with the longest-lasting results when you purchase Sculptra.

What does this product come with?

2 vials Package insert

What are the benefits of this product?

buy Sculptra sell online gives visible, yet subtle results by filling wrinkles and restoring lost volume to the face. In addition, Sculptra is able to revitalize collagen production at the implant site, treating the underlying causes of facial aging. This is a mechanism that is not present in hyaluronic acid based dermal fillers. All in all, Sculptra aesthetic is a less invasive alternative to plastic surgery that can give your patients fuller, smoother, more sculpted skin.



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