
buy IAL-System DUO Cross-Linked

Original price was: $205.00.Current price is: $200.00.


buy IAL-System DUO Cross-Linked

buy IAL-System DUO Cross-Linked lifts wrinkles and deeper lines, improves symmetry, reduces sagging, lifts cheeks and provides full facial volume restoration.

The IAL System is a long-lasting bio-revitalisation programme for the recovery and maintenance of a youthful skin, or to repair sun damaged skin.

The revolutionary IAL system is a long-term medical-cosmetic treatment. The IAL system is a long-term treatment to hydrate and improve the skin quality. Benefits are seen after weeks not days.

buy IAL-System DUO Cross-Linked is a non-animal based hyaluronic acid based gel which is injected into the skin via a very fine needle. Using a criss-cross pattern of small injections (the matrix technique) the IAL system can smoothly distribute itself across a large area of skin.

Guarantees a long term volumizing effect and carries out a bio-stimulating action.
Improves the 3D capacity of the space. The time of duration is 6 to 8 months.
Has no long or short-term inflammatory effects. Easy to administer
Completely biocompatible. Clinical trials still in progress.
MU.CH.™ Technology (Multi Crosslinked Hyaluronan Technology)
The technology named MU.CH. provides the perfect physical association between 2 types of cross-linked Hyaluronic Acid
that generate a monophasic and homogeneous gel. The two cross-linking, depending on the chemical variation, generate 2
different degradation profiles that guarantee:
a volumizing effect that lasts longer thanks to the increase in resistance to
degradation of Crosslinked Hyaluronic Acid (HBC) with BDDE.
A greater persistence to the bio-stimulating effect through the release of
the hyaluronic acid originated from the ACP

buy IAL-System DUO Cross-Linked Viscosupplementation (VS) of synovial fluid by intra-articular injections (IA) of hyaluronic acid (HA) has been a well-known symptomatic treatment of knee osteoarthritis for over 30 years. Commonly, treatment consisted of a series of 3 to 5 injections given one week apart, but more recently – in the last 10 to 15 years – single injection protocols have been proposed.
To assess the efficacy of a single IA injection of HA, in the symptomatic treatment of knee osteoarthritis, by comparing the clinical results obtained in different trials using the pain sub-score of the Western Ontario and MacMaster universities index as a criterion. (WOMAC A), to the results obtained by a single injection of placebo.

The injected placebo comparators were analyzed in an identical manner, and their results mixed according to different combinations to coincide with the profile of the patients of each trial. The other comparator arms of these studies, such as corticosteroids, HA multiple injections or alternative treatments – eg plasma rich in growth factors (PRGF) – were not taken into account in this analysis.


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